Khamis, 2 Disember 2010

Windows 7 Loader v1 9 5 DAZ

Hr nier member punyer windows 7 telah kener detect x genuine pas tu dier tnyer la kt aku. Tp aku xjwb sbb aku nk jwb dlm nier. hahah (mmg aku nier suka wat org ). Bukan per klu nk sesuatu benda kner cr.. aku x kdekut pon siap leh share dgn rmai org... Nie sofware yg leh bg jd genuine korg nyer wnidows 7.

Nier antara information ttg software nie..

Release Name: Windows.7.Loader.v1.9.5-DAZ
Size: 6.08 MB

Here is updated version of well known Windows activator-loader by DAZ.

Version 1.9.5 changes (11/23/2010):
* Added a new GRLDR version (Improves the ignore existing SLIC function)
* Disabled table sorting by default for compatibility reasons
* Added an option to disable type 3 memory as well as an option to reverse the SLIC search direction
* Displays motherboard version to help with debugging
* Added ECS, Dealin, Higrade and KSystems SLIC's
* Added HCL, KSystems and MSI Home Basic serials
* Added MSI Professional serial
* Added Dealin Home Premium serial
* Other minor tweaks and fixes

Download: Windows 7 Loader v1 9 5 DAZ

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