Khamis, 9 Disember 2010

Nero BurnLite 10.0.10600

Hari nie merupakan exame kedua aku yang terakhir, so aku pergi jelajah kesetiap bilik memeber2 tuk kutip software yang berguna... nak simpan dalam pendrive mmg tak muat so aku burn dalam DVD/CD.. Jimat skit, pluang kerugian tipis skit berbanding Hard Disk.. hehe. Nie software yang bleh digunakan untuk burn Software2 tu.. slamat mencuba...

Nero Free, is the easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want - music, video, photo, and data - share and enjoy with family and friends anytime, anywhere.

Nero offers you the chance to enjoy Nero's data disc burning and copying features for an unlimited time, absolutely free!

Enjoy basic data burning and copying capabilities for your CDs and DVDs from the world's most trusted digital media brand, Nero.

  • Highlights:
    Video Editing with Nero Vision Xtra?
    ? Search quickly, play back and easily arrange all your music, photos and videos all in one place
    ? Utilize cutting-edge video editing tools (picture-in-picture, full keyframe control, master effect track and assorted special effects and transitions) in a true multi-track timeline to achieve advanced personal touches
    ? Create High Definition DVD, and Blu-ray Disc movies using SmartEncoding for faster HD video output, and author Blu-ray Discs with 24 progressive frame high-quality cinema-style format
    ? Media player for all most popular audio, video and photo formats such as AVCHD, MKV, FLV, FLAC, DVD, MPEG-4 AVC, (S)-VCD, AVCREC and Audio CDs, plus music playlists and slideshows
    ? Burn music, photos and videos to CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs, or share to social communities

  • Burning with Nero Burning ROM?
    ? Ensure your discs are readable regardless of scratches, age, or deterioration with SecurDisc technology
    ? Drag and drop files to burn and copy to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs or save disc images
    ? Split oversized files to burn onto multiple discs
    ? Add extra security protection to your data by adding personal passwords and encryption
    ? Experience superior playback quality from your burned content
    ? Make flawless copies of your discs with reliable, uninterrupted burns

    Backup with Nero BackItUp & Burn?
    ? One-click Autobackup without reconfiguring computer settings
    ? SecurDisc technology ? Ensure data readability, increase the chance of retrieving your files, protect your data from unintended alterations, and verify the originator of the data
    ? Easily back up data to hard drive, CD, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, FTP, memory card and online storage
    ? Restore personal data after a computer crash or accident
    ? Recover damaged or deleted files from hard drives, CDs, DVDs, flash storage and floppy discs
    ? Back up files and folders to multiple devices at once

    Download :
    Nero BurnLite 10.0.10600

    Download Nero Lite from

Rabu, 8 Disember 2010

Kisah lucu

Sebagai pengubat ketensionan yang berada ditahap kritikal ini akibat penangan xbleh nk jwb exame sbb kesakitan perut.. Jamulah lawak yang xberapa nk lawak tp bleh jdkan perut tambah skit lg..


Pada suatu hari,Ali pergi exame dalam keadaan gopoh gapah.Nak dijadikan cerita ali tidak membawa pemadam.Lalu dia pun ingin meminjam pemadam dari seorang kawan perempuan . Ikutilah perbualan mereka:

Ali :Siti,nak "RUBBER".
Siti :Apa nak "RABA".
Oleh kerana Siti salah faham maka Ali pun dilempang.
Korang pikir le ape yang die pikir.



Pada suatu pagi, bertanya si isteri pada si suami:

Isteri : Abang tengok jiran kita yg baru pindah tu?

Suami : Kenapa?

Isteri : Tiap pagi sebelum pergi kerja, suami dia akan cium isterinya. Bila pulang kerja, dia akan berikan isterinya sekuntum bunga mawar. Loving betullah mereka. Kenapa abang tak buat macam tu?

Suami : Nak mampus... Mana abang kenal isteri dia?"



Untuk beberapa tahun,Ahmad Sufian telah mengadakan hubungan sulit dengan orang gajinya,Sutina ...Suatu hari, Sutina memberitahu Ahmad Suffian yang dirinya mengandung ...

Ahmad Suffian yang tidak mahu merosakkan perkahwinannya, telah mengambil keputusan untuk menghantar Sutina balik ke Bandung untuk melahirkan anak mereka di sana ...

Beliau berjanji akan menanggung segala kos untuk anak tersebut sehingga anaknya nanti berusia 18 tahun ...

Supaya rahsia mereka berdua tidak terbongkar, Ahmad Suffian menyuruh Sutina supaya menghantarkan sekeping poskad dengan menulis perkataan "Mee Bandung" dibelakangnya setelah anak mereka lahir nanti .. Ahmad Suffian akan menguruskan segala perbelanjaan
untuk anaknya setelah mendapat poskad itu nanti ...

Suatu hari, 9 bulan selepas itu, ketika Ahmad Suffian pulang dari kerja, isterinya Norzalina menegur Ahmad Suffian dengan muka yang keliru ...

"Bang ... abang dapat poskad yang peliklah hari ni," kata Norzalina.

"Oh, tak pe ... bagi poskad tu kat Abang. Nanti abang jelaskan," kata Ahmad Suffian.

Norzalina pun memberi poskad itu kepada Ahmad Suffian dan melihat
Ahmad Suffian membaca poskad tersebut, sebelum muka Ahmad Suffian
bertukar menjadi biru, ungu dan terus pengsan!!

Poskad itu berbunyi ...

"Mee Bandung, Mee Bandung, Mee Bandung, Mee Bandung - 2 ada telur, 2 tiada telur. Tolong hantarkan kuah lebih ya!"

Cara nak download Movie dengan Bit Torrent

Pertama sekali anda perlulah install software BITCOMET

Kedua anda perlu mencari torrent movie yang anda mahu dalam website isoHunt. Dalam website tersebut anda boleh download pelbagai movie dan software secara percuma.

Langkah ketiga adalah tunggu sehingga download selesai. Kena la sabar...benda free kan??nak cepat pergi tengok wayang...

Selasa, 7 Disember 2010

Adobe Reader 10

Adobe Reader has been in existence for over a decade and has gone through various evolutions during this time. One result of this is that it has been increasingly loaded with plug-ins and extensions which mean that it's consistently criticized as being bloated and slow.

This is true to a certain extent although Adobe Reader is a PDF reader that still has much to offer. With the latest version of Adobe Reader, Adobe have addressed some of the speed issues and the memory footprint has been improved consistently throughout the development of Adobe Reader X.

This version of Adobe Reader is not only slightly faster, but also displays a clearer, simpler interface that makes it easier to use. Adobe Reader X still features the classic tools from previous versions (Zoom, Text selection, Snapshots and Read out loud), but now it also includes renewed features such as the ability to leave comments as sticky notes. A new feature you’ll find in Adobe Reader X is the Share tool, with which you can easily share the document by email or via the Adobe SendNow service.

If you were worried about security issues in Adobe Reader, fear not: Adobe Reader X is probably the safest version ever released, thanks to the new Protected Mode than loads images, code and 3D objects in a special area in memory, isolated from the system.

Download : Adobe Reader 10

Source :

AnimeTiTanZ FT 57

Download: AnimeTiTanZ FT 57

Ahad, 5 Disember 2010

Exame... ezame... x-zzzzzzz.....

Esok nk peksa, tp msh ngantok lg kepala asyik ting-tong jer.. Rumate plak gi main badminton.. Eh mcm pompuan lak nk citer kisah life... Releks la, nier kn blog aku so suker ht la nk wat per haha.. Oh sebut pasal pom puan nier, td tb2 terbaca satu pengakuan yg xdijangka... Hakikat bercouple.... (aku just copy paste jer dr blog member aku nier)

Mcm nier
Jeng jeng

Salam utk semua,
ptg td member aku Anna n Mun invite aku kuar . aku xtau la kuar pi mane . depa ckp nk pi JOM HEBOH kat Perlis . huhu nmpak gaya mcm best jer kn. . .?? so aku pun tanpa segan n silu kuar dengan depa . erm,, nk tau sape yang drive keta. . .?? ha bf Mun yang drive . Mun ckap bf die mcm gatai cikit . ok aku pun wat slumber la masuk keta bf die tu . mase nk gerak dah bf si Mun ni tOmpangkan 2 org akak ni . akak ni nk pi changlun,, ye la dh alang2 lalu kat jgk changlun so bf Mun ni tOmpangkan la tp tmbang dikenakan la RM2. . bapak mahal kn. .?? pdhal bg aku chnglun tu dekat siOt,, huhu * tp kalo naik bas mara liner pun tmbang still rm2 jgk ke changlun . aku lak yang over2 lebih. . heheh

so mase dlm keta tu bf die tetbe lak ckp xpyh la pi Jom Heboh tu sbb dah lambt la . ahhh,, * dlm hati aku time tu bnyk la alasan mamat nih . hoho xnk pegi ckp la awai2 . pas tu akhirnye bf Mun drop aku, Ana n Mun kat betui2 depan C-mart. .! uh,, hmpeh C-mart jgk yang kau nk pegi . . so aku ngan depa pun terpaksa la masuk C-mart tu . melilau la kami cari makanan . Mun ckp kat aku yang bf die mcm usha aku jer . huhu aku no kumen k !! aku pun rase pun mcm die tgk2 aku . tp aku xtgk bf die langsung ar. . hoho $%^&*& tau nih abis aku !! huhu

eeiiii,, geram tol bf die tu bnyk ckap la . pot pet pot pet jer mulut die xberhenti2 . ahh,, menyampah aku dgr ! pas kuar dr C-mart kami pi mkn lak . mase dlm keta tu anset Ana asyik berbunyi jer . . tp die xangkat pun. . aku pelik la . aku suh Ana angkat tp die ckp jgn2 tu bf Mun kat KL call . opppsss !! ok2 fine . . mamat tu time ni jgk la nk tepon Mun pun . nasib baik la Mun pandai cover depan bf die tu . huhu kami mkn kat anjung ja pun . . pas mkn terus jejaln plak tp jejaln nk otw balik UUM . ahhh,, time tu plak Mun tetibe sakit perut . * erm,, nk membuang la tu. . ye2 jer aku ingt die nk membuang tp bila bf die drop die kat TM suh g toilet kat citu die pun pi la masuk blok kat kolej TM. . konon nyer nk membuang tp ley lak die wat panggilan tepon . fuh,, die call bf yang kat KL tu . ye la mane x nyer bf die tu macm xcaya jer kat die . sbb tu la Mun wat alasan nk terberak !! hahah kalo bf die yang ni tau time tu die tgh calling2 dgn bf kL mati la die . .
(ish2 cian laki tu... kner cam tu jer ngan pompuan)

kesimpulanyer klu nk cinter jgn la smpi main persaan org lain, tp klu laki tu yg persan padan muka lu.... bodoh xterbendung huhu

aku mcm la pndai, mmg surrender la klu bab nier sbb xpandai la... so duit la jd hiburan ku... asyik2 duit2... teruk gak aku nier.... ok nier la kisah peksa aku.. xder kaitan langsung

Khamis, 2 Disember 2010

Fairy Tail 56

Sumber :Fairy Tail

Download: HS FT 56 400p DL

Windows 7 Loader v1 9 5 DAZ

Hr nier member punyer windows 7 telah kener detect x genuine pas tu dier tnyer la kt aku. Tp aku xjwb sbb aku nk jwb dlm nier. hahah (mmg aku nier suka wat org ). Bukan per klu nk sesuatu benda kner cr.. aku x kdekut pon siap leh share dgn rmai org... Nie sofware yg leh bg jd genuine korg nyer wnidows 7.

Nier antara information ttg software nie..

Release Name: Windows.7.Loader.v1.9.5-DAZ
Size: 6.08 MB

Here is updated version of well known Windows activator-loader by DAZ.

Version 1.9.5 changes (11/23/2010):
* Added a new GRLDR version (Improves the ignore existing SLIC function)
* Disabled table sorting by default for compatibility reasons
* Added an option to disable type 3 memory as well as an option to reverse the SLIC search direction
* Displays motherboard version to help with debugging
* Added ECS, Dealin, Higrade and KSystems SLIC's
* Added HCL, KSystems and MSI Home Basic serials
* Added MSI Professional serial
* Added Dealin Home Premium serial
* Other minor tweaks and fixes

Download: Windows 7 Loader v1 9 5 DAZ